Legal Notice

Access and Use Conditions

Access, browsing, and use of the website implies the express and unreserved acceptance of all the terms of use conditions included in this Legal Notice. Compliance is enforceable with respect to any person who accesses, browses, or uses the website. If the User does not agree with all or part of the terms of use as set out, they must refrain from accessing, browsing, or using the Website.

Ownership and Contact Data

DANRIBES, S.L. (hereinafter, DANRIBES) an Andorran company with CIF B-56943764, with its registered office at Sindicat Street, 35 CP 25181 of Soses (Lleida), registered in the Lleida Companies Register with no. ....., with email [], is the owner of the web page (hereinafter, the Website). Users of the Website may contact DANRIBES by sending an email to:

Purpose and Content of the Website

The purpose of this Website is to inform Users about the events organized by DANRIBES related to Streamers activities and to offer the possibility of participating in these events as a jury of the MYSTIC INTERNATIONAL and selecting and casting their vote for their favorite Streamers and content. Access to the Website's information does not imply or constitute any contractual relationship between the User and DANRIBES.

DANRIBES makes all efforts to ensure that all the information available on the Website is complete and up to date, periodically reviewing the content of the Website. However, the User acknowledges and accepts that all the information available on the Website is provided for informational purposes only and that DANRIBES does not guarantee the accuracy, suitability, and completeness of the information contained on the Website. The User is solely responsible for the use made of the information contained on the Website.

Terms of Use

These general conditions of use regulate access and navigation on the Website, whose access and use are free and do not require prior registration of Users. However, if Users wish to actively participate in the MYSTIC INTERNATIONAL as a jury and thus select and vote for their favorite Streamers and content, they must have an account open on the streaming platform, and the voting process will inform Users of the steps to follow to cast their votes in the different designated categories.

Access, use, or navigation on the Website confers the status of User and implies knowledge, acceptance, and submission to the legal warnings and the terms of use included in this Legal Notice in the version published at the time the User accesses the Website. The User agrees that the use of the Website takes place under their sole and exclusive responsibility. It is recommended that the User read this Legal Notice each time they access the Website.

DANRIBES reserves the right, without prior notice and at any time, to interrupt, temporarily suspend, deactivate, and/or cancel access to the Website or any of the elements that make it up.


The User is responsible for the use made of the Website and its content and does so at their own risk. By accessing, the User agrees and commits to use the Website, its content, and services in accordance with the law, this Legal Notice, good customs, and public order, and must respond to DANRIBES or third parties for any damage that may be caused by the breach of these obligations.

Not to destroy, alter, render useless, or damage data, computer programs, or electronic documents of the Website.

Not to hinder the access of other Users to the Website.

Not to introduce viruses or any other device that may or could cause an alteration in DANRIBES's systems.

Not to copy the Software.

Not to distribute, share, sublicense, lend, lease, or make the Website available to third parties.

Not to reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Website's Software or try to obtain its source code.

Not to store, introduce, or disseminate through or from the Website any defamatory, injurious, obscene, threatening, xenophobic information or material that incites violence, discrimination based on race, sex, ideology, religion, or that violates morality, public order, fundamental rights, public freedoms, honor, privacy, or the image of third parties, and in general that infringes current regulations.

The User is the sole and exclusive responsible for access to the Website and the use made of the information and data contained.

DANRIBES will not be responsible for any consequences, damage, or harm arising from the access or use of the Website and its content by Users. DANRIBES, as the owner of the Website, is exempted from any liability that could arise from the actions of the User. Thus, the User is the only responsible party facing any claim initiated by third parties against DANRIBES for the access or use that the User makes of the Website.


DANRIBES makes maximum efforts to ensure that the use of the Website is carried out in the best conditions and to facilitate updated information, however, DANRIBES does not guarantee the absence of errors or omissions in the content of the Website, nor does it guarantee that access to the Website will be uninterrupted, being authorized to temporarily suspend without prior notice the accessibility to the Website.

Any failure or interruption in communication, lack of availability, currency, maintenance, and effective operation of the Website and/or its services or contents.

Failure to meet the Users' expectations in relation to the Website or the server that supplies it.

The invulnerability of the Website and/or the invulnerability of the security measures adopted in it.

The contents, services, errors, or omissions that the content of the Website or the links or links that may be enabled may have.

The existence of viruses or harmful programs in the contents that may produce alterations in the computer system, electronic documents, or files stored of the Users.

Telephone breakdowns or networks caused by causes not attributable to the owner of the Website.

Delays or blockages in the operational functioning of the system caused by deficiencies or overload on the telephone lines or on the Internet.

Illegal intrusions beyond the control of the Website owner, such as unauthorized access, copies, alteration, or deletion of information and data by third parties on the Website.

DANRIBES employs all the necessary technical resources to reduce these types of risks. However, the User is informed that such risks exist and that DANRIBES is not responsible for the damages that they may cause.


The content of the Website is governed by Spanish laws and is protected by national and international legislation on Intellectual and Industrial Property.

The Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights over all the information contained in this Website, including but not limited to, trademarks, trade names, graphic design, drawings, logos, images, indexes, texts, audios, videos, software, design, and identifying signs, as well as their source codes, navigation structure, databases, and all the elements contained in them, are protected by copyright and intellectual and industrial property rights of DANRIBES or third parties.

In no case shall access and use of the Website by Users be considered as a grant of a license of use or right to any asset of DANRIBES or its legitimate authors, so it will not imply a transfer, nor transmission, nor any type of waiver of Intellectual or Industrial Property rights.

Unless DANRIBES or the third-party holders of the rights expressly authorize it, all reproduction, copy, conversion, distribution, modification, deletion, or transformation, publication, marketing, use of reverse engineering techniques, or any other means to obtain the source code and any other activity that can be carried out with the data and information contained in the Website, as well as with its design and the selection and presentation model, is prohibited. The User uses the information that may be accessed through the use of the Website exclusively for personal purposes and in no case for commercial or business purposes.

Unauthorized use of the information contained in the Website, its modification, or deletion of data, as well as the injury to the Intellectual or Industrial Property Rights of DANRIBES or third parties, will lead to the liabilities legally established, reserving DANRIBES the possibility of exercising the judicial actions that proceed in law against the Users who violate or infringe the intellectual or industrial property rights.


This Website may contain links to other Websites managed by third parties. Thus, to be able to participate as a jury, Users will be redirected to the domain owned by a third party -Twitch Interactive, Inc-. Such domain has its own Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Cookies Policy. Therefore, we recommend Users read them before registering and opening an account on said domain.

DANRIBES reserves the right to unilaterally withdraw at any time the links that appear on this Website.


This Website may contain links that allow Users to access different social networks belonging to and/or managed by third parties (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, YouTube). These links on the Website are solely intended to facilitate Users' access to social networks to inform them about events organized by DANRIBES.

The activation and use of these applications may entail the identification and authentication of the User (login/password) on the corresponding platforms, completely external to the Website and beyond the control of DANRIBES. By accessing such external networks, the User enters an environment not controlled by DANRIBES, so it will not assume any responsibility for the security configuration of such environments. These social networks and platforms have their own privacy policies and cookie processing policies. In this sense, all information and personal data that the User provides to these platforms will be under their own and exclusive responsibility.


DANRIBES, as the owner of the Website, informs Users that it is responsible for the processing of personal data requested and provided during the use of the Website.

In accordance with the provisions of applicable data protection legislation, DANRIBES respects the privacy of Users and the secrecy and security of personal data, adopting the necessary technical and organizational measures to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access, and theft of personal data provided, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data, and the risks to which they are exposed.

The personal data of the Users of the Website will only be obtained to be processed when they are appropriate, relevant, and not excessive in relation to the scope and the specified, explicit, consented, and/or legitimate purposes for which they have been collected. When personal data are collected through the Website, the User will be previously clearly and unequivocally informed.

The User must visit the Privacy Policy of DANRIBES, on this same Website, where they will find detailed information regarding the protection of personal data.


To improve the service for the benefit of Users, DANRIBES S.L.U reserves the right to update, modify, or delete without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the Website, the contents and information contained in it, as well as modify the Terms of Use which will become effective from the moment of their publication on the Website and will be applicable from that date.


The Website runs on Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Chrome platforms updated in 2019. It is especially optimized for Chrome.


If any of the conditions of use of this Legal Notice were annulled or considered not valid, the rest of the conditions will not be affected, continuing in full force and validity.


Any question or controversy that may arise in reference to the application of this Legal Notice between the User and DANRIBES is governed by the current Spanish legislation applicable in the matter. And provided that the current regulations foresee the possibility for the parties to submit to a certain jurisdiction, the User expressly waives the jurisdiction that could correspond to them and submits to the resolution of the controversy to the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona.

Date of last update: December 12, 2023.