Privacy Policy

We are pleased that you visit the official website of MYSTIC INTERNATIONAL (hereinafter, Website) and we appreciate your interest.

DANRIBES, S.L. (hereinafter, DANRIBES) is firmly committed to complying with current legislation on personal data protection to ensure privacy, secrecy, and security of personal data of Users by applying appropriate technical and organizational measures to this end.

This Privacy Policy aims to inform Users about the processing that DANRIBES makes of personal data that the User provides when accessing, browsing, and using the services offered on the Website, as well as the security measures adopted, the exercise of the rights of Users and the way of contact.

Personal data will only be obtained by DANRIBES for processing when they are appropriate, relevant, and not excessive in relation to the scope and the determined, explicit, and legitimate purposes for which they have been obtained.

Next, in compliance with the current regulations on personal data protection, we provide Users with the following information:

Data Controller

DANRIBES S.L. (hereinafter, DANRIBES) a Spanish company with CIF B-56943764, with registered office at calle Sindicat, 35, CP 25181 de Soses (Lleida), registered in the Companies Register with number ......., with email [], is the owner of the website (hereinafter, Website).

Users can contact the Data Controller through the following email address:


For the purposes of this Policy, the following terms will have the meaning indicated below:

Purpose of processing

To manage information requests received through the Website’s “Contact” function. To manage the votes of MYSTIC INTERNATIONAL made by the Website Users (identification, validation, and counting of votes). Statistical purposes of participation and voting results in MYSTIC INTERNATIONAL -to fulfill this purpose, personal data will be subject to an anonymization process-. To be able to participate as a jury in MYSTIC INTERNATIONAL, Users must click on “Identify and Vote” and will be redirected to Twitch ( where they must have an account on this streaming platform. When the User from their account clicks “Authorize”, they will be indicating that they have read and accept the Privacy Policy of Then, the User may select their voting preferences from the different categories defined by Streamers and content following the Website’s instructions, and once their votes are selected, they must click on “Send My Votes”. The votes and the identity of the User will be recorded in the DANRIBES database. The identity of the User will be recorded using a hash code -mathematical algorithm- (pseudonymized).

Twitch Interactive, Inc., owner of, acts as a provider of identity validation and verification services for Users who vote to prevent fraud in the voting process.

Category of personal data

The category of data that DANRIBES processes on the Website are:

Email in Contact function. Identifiable data: User identification through a hash code -mathematical algorithm-. DANRIBES does not access the account data that Users have on

Legitimation basis

The legitimization basis for managing communications received through the “Contact” function is DANRIBES's legitimate interest.

The legitimization basis for processing the personal data of Users who participate in MYSTIC INTERNATIONAL is the express consent given by participating as a jury and the legitimate interest of DANRIBES in managing the events it organizes and in managing MYSTIC INTERNATIONAL.

The User may revoke their consent at any time. However, processing of personal data carried out prior to the revocation of consent will be lawful.

Data conservation

Data will be kept for the strictly necessary period to comply with the purpose for which they were collected. However, DANRIBES may keep the data to make them available to the competent authorities or to face possible claims, in which case the data will be kept blocked until the expiration of the statute of limitations, at which time they will be deleted with appropriate security measures.

Once the conservation period has ended, the personal data may be subject to an anonymization process for statistical purposes of MYSTIC INTERNATIONAL.

Data communication

DANRIBES will not transfer the data provided by the Website Users to third parties, unless with prior and express consent of those or if necessary by legal mandate (Public administrations, State Security Forces, Public Prosecutor's Office, Spanish Data Protection Agency, etc.).

DANRIBES informs Users that personal data may be communicated to DANRIBES providers in order to attend to the management of MYSTIC INTERNATIONAL, in which case, those will have the condition of data processors following DANRIBES instructions on personal data processing.

Users' rights

DANRIBES informs Users that in reference to the processing of their personal data they can exercise the following rights:

Users may exercise their rights at any time and for free by writing to DANRIBES S.L. by postal mail to the address calle Ganduxer, nº 129, C.P 08022 Barcelona or by email to the address [………….], in both cases a copy of the National Identity Document or equivalent document proving their identity must be attached.

Third-party domain links

To participate as a jury, Users will be redirected to the domain owned by a third party -Twitch Interactive, Inc-. This domain has its own Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Cookies Policy. Therefore, we recommend Users to consult them before using.

Social networks

This Website may contain links that allow access to different social networks owned and managed by third parties (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, YouTube). These links on the Website are solely intended to facilitate Users' access to social networks to inform them about the events organized by DANRIBES.

Activating and using these applications may involve the identification and authentication of the User (login/password) on the corresponding platforms, completely external to the Website and beyond the control of DANRIBES. Such social networks and platforms have their own privacy policies and cookie processing policies. In this sense, all information and personal data that the User provides to these platforms will be under their own and exclusive responsibility.


This Website does not use cookies to collect information from Users, only session cookies of a technical nature are used - those that allow the User safe navigation through the Website and the use of the different functions and services offered on the Website. For more detailed information access the Cookies Policy.

However, this Website may contain links to third-party websites with privacy and cookie policies unrelated to DANRIBES, and the User may decide whether to accept or reject them when accessing those websites.

International transfers

Personal data may be hosted on servers located outside the European Economic Area (United States, Japan, Australia, Japan), by participating in MYSTIC INTERNATIONAL you consent to such data transfer and are informed that in these cases the existence of an Adequacy Decision of the European Data Protection Committee is guaranteed, or the adoption of supplementary guarantee measures to ensure a level of protection in line with the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union.

Amendments to the Privacy Policy

UBIQ reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy in response to legislative changes, regulatory requirements, or to align the policy with directives issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency or the European Data Protection Committee. Users are therefore advised to periodically review this policy. Any substantive changes to this Privacy Policy will be communicated on the Website.

Last update date: December 12, 2023.